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  • An Iron Sharpens Iron Northeast Women's Conference was held at the First Cathedral in Bloomfield Oct 1. ISI Women's Web Site

  • Life Church youth attended the RevTab Youth Camp in PA the week of July 25-29, 2011.

  • Steve Carrier of MegaForce Ministries was at Life Church June 10-12 to perform his legendary feats of strength and give a stirring presentation of the Gospel. For further information on Steve's school presentations, visit this special website. At school assemblies, Steve can give a high energy, encouraging message tailored to any age group.

  • Special healing classes were held each Saturday in May, led by Jane Ellrod. The class was shown how to heal the sick using the methods taught by Charles and Frances Hunter. Several people experienced God's healing power during the "hands-on" prayer sessions following the classes.

  • The Life Church youth group's four week "Passion" outreach culminated with the showing of the full length film "Passion of the Christ" on Good Friday. Youth from several churches in the area were present for this moving presentation.

  • A new Life Group called "Search for Truth" Bible Study now meets at Life Church on the 2nd and 4th Sunday from 1-2pm. It is taught by Shepherd Tony McGrath. A special Search for Truth class for the deaf taught by Shirley DeRosier meets every Thursday at 7pm.

  • Iron Sharpens Iron was held on Saturday, March 19, 2011. A dozen men from Life Church attended the event and were blessed by excellent speakers, worship, and workshops relevent to men's issues. For more details, go to the conference web site.

  • A special "Hour of Power" was held Jan 17 - 21, 2011. The four night series was titled: "The Boat or the Water." Messages from Hour of Power 2011are now available!

  • Fellowship with the men of Life Church on the second Saturday of every month. Enjoy breakfast and share the Word of God as it applies to today's man. Visit the Men's Ministry page for more information on all men's activities.

  • Women's Bible Study - come together every fourth Friday of the month. This is a powerful time of prayer, ministry, and devotion. Visit the Women's Ministry Page for more information on all small groups and events.

  • Friday night is Youth Night. This a great opportunity place for "tweens" and teens to learn the Bible and connect with other youth.

  • Sign Language Class, taught by Shirley Derosier, will be held every Tuesday from 6-7PM starting September 27. The classes are free.

  • Every Wednesday beginning 6:30pm, experience the 'Hour of Power', a time devoted to corporate prayer and worship.

  • Join us for one of our numerous "Life Groups." See the full year calendar for information on topics, times and locations.

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