Our Ministries are Focused on Building People...
At Life Church we believe that every member has a ministry. We welcome you to be a part of our ministries that are designed to build people.


Real Impact...
Living Life Abundantly is a ministry dedicated to enhancing the daily lives of Christians through the teaching and practical application of Biblical principles in the three core areas of our lives:


1. Abundant living in your relationship with God
2. Living life abundantly in your family

3. Abundant living through your local church


Real Help...
Christian counsel is available by our staff for those seeking instruction in the Word, in an atmosphere of love and prayer. Please call our church office for an appointment.

If you are interested in becoming involved in any of our Ministries, please contact the individual(s) below:
Ministry Leader(s) Phone
Christian Education Christine Martocchio
Community Outreach Stephie Young 860-878-2643
Deaf Shirley Desrosier 860-264-4626
Food Pantry Carol Young
Men Innocent Obi 860-653-3308
Prayer Warriors Kathy Primm 860-653-9045
Women Carol Young
Youth Maurice and Rochelle Spann

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