Our Purpose

  • To engage men through fellowship, worship, and instruction in the Word of God
  • To encourage men to grow in faith and in their relationship with Jesus Christ
  • To equip men to fulfill their roles as strong leaders in their families and in the church

Special Events

Men's Fellowship - 2nd Saturday of every month at 9:30 AM


Iron Sharpens Iron - Day long event features great speakers and workshops. This year's ISI was on 19 March


Golf outing - a time of fellowship with River Valley Christian Center. We are playing on July 23 in Torrington.

FinancesFinancial Seminars to help with money management.
Ministry Leader


Innocent Obi

Life Church
Special Ministries

Prison Outreach: Contact Arnie Berman for details

Church Cleaning: Second Saturday of each month following the Men's Fellowship.

Ushering: Contact Innocent Obi for details

Facilities Management: Contact Bruce Primm for details

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