The Power of Small Group
Ministry... |
Reasons to Join a Life Group:
1. You will understand the Bible better in
a small group.
2. You will begin to really feel like part
of God's family.
3. Prayer will become more meaningful to you.
4. You will be able to handle stress and pressure
5. You will have a natural way to share Christ
with friends, relatives, and work associates.
6. You will develop leadership skills you
never knew you had!
7. You will deepen your understanding of worship.
Purpose of Life Groups... |
"They broke bread in their homes and
ate together with glad and sincere hearts."
Acts 2:46
"You know that I have not hesitated
to preach anything that would be helpful
to you but have taught you publicly and
from house to house."
Acts 20:20
"He went to the house of Mary the
mother of John, also called Mark, where
many people had gathered and were praying."
Acts 12:12
"After Paul and Silas came out of
the prison, they went to Lydia's house,
where they met with the brothers and encouraged
Acts 16:40
Groups... |
Search for Truth
This new bible study meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month from 1 - 2pm, with a special class for the deaf on Thursday at 7pm.
Taught by Shepherd Tony McGrath and Shirley DeRosier
Book of Revelations
This group meets every second & forth Sunday of the month
Taught by Pastor Al in the Life Church Fellowship Hall at 2pm and in New Britain at 4:30pm
Youth Group
This on-going Life Group "Christ-4-Life"meets every Friday at 7 pm.
Taught by Maurice and Rochelle Spann in the coffee house
Old Testament Bible Study
This group meets every Tuesday at 7 pm
Taught by Pastor Al in Life Church Fellowship Hall
860-653-3308 |
Book of Psalms
This Life group meets the third Sunday of every month at 2pm in the home of Donna Rae Dubois
Ladies of Life
This group meets the second Thursday of the month at
7 pm
Led by Kathy Primm and Donna Rae in the Life Church Lower Level
Mens Ministry
This is an on-going Life Group and meets
on the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 for
breakfast, worship, teaching, and fellowship.
Girls of Grace
This group meets the fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm
Taught by Deonne Paul in the Life Church Lower Level
Contact the
leader of the Life Group(s) of interest
to receive additional information regarding
a group near you.